Send your orders to redbarnflowerfarm@gmail.com
or text/call Rebecca at 780-835-8393
Prices and pot sizes shown below
Hours of Operation for 2025: May 30-June 10, 10am-7pm
while supplies last
We look forward to an ever growing catalogue with new plants
and higher numbers of our best sellers, so be sure to check us out every year!

Lily of Valley
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
6-10” tall
Part to Full shade
Blooms 5 wks May-June
Grows well in all soil types
including acidic* (*near evergreens)
Great under trees
Continually spreads

Lamium'White Nancy'
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
6-12” tall
Part to Full Shade
*can do full sun if watered well
Blooms May to Sept
Spreads but not invasive
Evergreen Perennial
Deer Resistant. Bees Love!

Pearly Everlasting
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
12-24” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms mid June to Sept
Grows well in all soil types

Snow-in Summer
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
6-8” tall.
Blooms 4-6 wks June-July
Grows well in all soil types
Continually spreads
Deer Resistant

Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
12-15” tall
Part Shade to full Sun
Blooms 4-5 wks May-June
Grows well in all soil types
including poor and acidic*
Continually spreads

Columbine white
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
15-30” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4 wks of June
Prefer moist, fertile soil
Tolerates dry conditions once established

Maltese Cross
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
24-36” tall.
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4-6 wks June-July
Prefer loose, rich, moist soil
Attracts Hummingbirds
& Butterflies

Shasta Daisy
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
24-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms late June to Sept
Grows well in all soil types
including poor
Deer Resistant

Sold in 3 gallon pots for $6
24-36” tall
Full Sun
Blooms 5-6 wks July-Aug
Continually Spreads
Grows well in all soil types including poor
Drought Tolerant

Bleeding Heart
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $15
2 gallon pots for $25
24-36” tall
Part to Full Shade
Blooms May & June
Prefer moist soil
Deer Resistant

Woolly Thyme
Creeping Charlie
Sold in 4" pots $5
2-6” tall
Sun to Full Shade
Blooms 8wks May-June
Grows well in all soil types
Spreads Quickly, can be invasive
Evergreen Perennial
Drought Tolerant, Bees Love!

Lamium'Orchid Frost'
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
6-12” tall
Part to Full Shade
*can do full sun if watered well
Blooms May to Sept
Spreads but not invasive
Evergreen Perennial
Deer Resistant
Bees Love!

Bearded Iris
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
15-24” tall
Sun to Part Shade
(won't bloom in full shade
or if rhizomes are buried)
Blooms 3 wks in June
Grows well in all soil types
including poor and acidic*
Drought Tolerant

Bearded Iris
Sold in 1 gallon pots $6
15-24” tall
Sun to Part Shade
(won't bloom in full shade
or if rhizomes are buried)
Blooms 2wks end May
Grows well in all soil types
including poor and acidic*
Drought Tolerant

Columbine purple
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
15-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4 wks of June
Prefer moist, fertile soil
Tolerates dry conditions once established

Siberian Iris
'Ceasar's Brother'
Sold in 3 gallon pots for $6
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 3-4 wks in June
Grows well in all soil types
Siberians do well in wet

Clustered Belflower
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
18-24” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 3-4 weeks
mid-June to July
Grows well in all soil types
including poor
Spreads quickly but not invasive
Drought Tolerant. Attracts hummingbirds & butterflies.

Blazing Star
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
24-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms4-6 wks Aug-Sept
Grows well in all soil types
Dislikes overly wet soil
(bulbs will rot)
Drought Tolerant,,Bees Love!

Speedwell Lavender
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $7
15-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 10-12 wks
end June to Sept
Prefer rich, moist soil,
Bees love!

Speedwell Purple
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $7
15-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 10-12 wks
end June to Sept
Prefer rich, moist soil
Bees love!

Sold in 2 gallon pots for $7
24-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 6 wks June-July
Grows well in all soil types
including poor
Drought Tolerant once established

Siberian Iris
'Soft Blue' NEW
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 3-4 wks in June
Grows well in all soil types
Siberians do well in wet

'Stainless Steel' (two tone on left)
'Blue Lagoon' (purple on right)
Sold in 2 gallon pots for $12
4-6 feet tall
Sun to Full Shade
Blooms 4-6 wks August-Sept
Grows well in all soil types
Prefer moist soil
Deer Resistant. Attracts hummingbirds & butterflies

'Summer mix' Sold OUT
Sold in 2 gallon pots for $12
4-6 feet tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4 wks of July
Prefer moist rich soil
Attracts hummingbirds
& butterflies

mixed colors
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
15-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4 wks of June
Prefer moist, fertile soil
Tolerates dry conditions once established

mixed colors (mostly purples)
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
15-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms heavily 4-5 weeks June-July then lightly til fall.
Drought Tolerant.
Deer Resistant

Columbine pink
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
15-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4 wks of June
Prefer moist, fertile soil
Tolerates dry conditions once established

Lamium'Pink Pewter'
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
6-12” tall
Part to Full Shade
*can do full sun if watered well
Blooms May to Sept
Grows well all soil types
Evergreen Perennial
Deer Resistant! Bees Love!

Elephant Ears
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
12-30” tall
Sun or Shade
Blooms 3-4 wks in May
Grows well in all soil types
Including acidic*
Evergreen perennial

Maltese Cross
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
15-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4-6 wks June-July
Prefer loose, rich soil
Attracts Hummingbirds
& Butterflies

Speedwell'First Love'
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $7
15-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 10-12 wks
end June to Sept
Grows well in all soil types
Prefer rich, moist soil
Bees love!

Sold in 1 gallon pots for $7
18-36” tall
Sun to Part shade
Blooms July-Sept
Grows well in all soil types
Attracts Hummingbirds
& Butterflies

Bleeding Heart
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $15
2 gallon pots for $25
24-36” tall
Part to Full Shade
Blooms May & June
Prefer moist soil
Deer Resistant

Prairie Mallow
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
24-48” tall
Sun to Part shade
Blooms July-Sept
Grows well in all soil types

'Desert Eve Deep Rose'
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
12-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms end June-Sept
Grows well in all soil types
Prefers moist soil
Deer Resistant

Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
6-18” tall
Part to Full Shade
*can do full sun if watered well
Blooms 4 wks June
Prefers moist soil
Evergreen Perennial
Continually Spreads, not invasive

'Catherine Woodbury'
Sold Out
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
24-36” tall
Full Sun to Part Shade
Bloom 4-5 wks in August
Grows well in all soil types
including acidic*
Drought Tolerant. Deer Resistant
Attracts Hummingbirds & Butterflies

Sedum Carl
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
12-24" tall
Full Sun
Blooms August-frost
Grows well in all soil types
Drought Tolerant

Sedum Stonecrop
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
4-8" tall
Full Sun
Blooms June-July
Grows well in all soil types
Evergreen Perennial
Drought Tolerant
Continually Spreads, not invasive

Ladies Mantle
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $7
12-24" tall
Part Shade to Full Sun
Blooms 4 wks end June-July
Grows well in all soil types
better in rich fertile soil

Columbine yellow
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
15-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4 wks of June
Prefer moist, fertile soil
Tolerates dry conditions once established

'Stella de Oro'
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
12-18” tall, Full Sun
Blooms July-September
Grows well in all soil types
including acidic*
Drought Tolerant, Deer Resistant
Attracts Hummingbirds & Butterflies

Ligularia'The Rocket'
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $7
24-48” tall
Part to Full shade
Blooms July-Sept
Prefers moist fertile soil, does not tolerate dry conditions
Attracts Butterflies

Daylily'Fragrant Returns'
Sold in 2 gallon pots for $6
15-24” tall
Full Sun to Part Shade
Blooms June-September
Grows well in all soil types
including acidic*
Drought Tolerant, Deer Resistant
Attracts Hummingbirds & Butterflies

Sold in 2 gallon pots for $6
24-36” tall
Full Sun
Bloom 4 wks in August
Grows well in all soil types
including acidic*
Drought Tolerant, Deer Resistant
Attracts Hummingbirds & Butterflies

Daylily'Chicago Sunrise'
Sold in 2 gallon pots for $6
24-36” tall
Full Sun to Part Shade
Bloom 4 wks in June
Grows well in all soil types
including acidic*
Drought Tolerant, Deer Resistant
Attracts Hummingbirds &

Bearded Iris
Yellow & Burgundy
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
15-24” tall
Full Sun to Part Shade
(won't bloom in shade)
Blooms 3 wks in June
Grows well in all soil types
including poor and acidic*
Drought Tolerant

Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
24-48” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4-6wks July-Aug
Grows well in all soil types
Drought Tolerant
Attracts Butterflies

Sold in 1 gallon pot for $6
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4-5 wks in August
Grows well in all soil types
including acidic*
Drought Tolerant. Deer Resistant
Attracts Hummingbirds & Butterflies

Sold in 3 gallon pots for $6
36-60” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Bloom July-Aug
Grows well in all soil types
including acidic*
Drought Tolerant. Deer Resistant
Attracts Hummingbirds & Butterflies

Tiger Lily
Sold out
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
15-36” tall
Sun to Light Shade
Blooms 4-5 wks June-July
Prefer rich fertile soil
Do not plant in wet areas
(bulbs will rot)

Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
12-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms end June-Sept
Grows well in all soil types
Prefer moist soil, yet is
Drought Tolerant
Deer Resistant

Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
24-36” tall
Full Sun
Blooms end June-frost
Do not like overly wet soil;
avoid planting in low areas
Drought Tolerant
Deer Resistant

Columbine yellow/red
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
15-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4 wks of June
Prefer moist, fertile soil
Tolerates dry conditions once established

Maltese Cross
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
24-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4-6 wks June-July
Prefer loose, rich soil
Drought Tolerant
Do not like overly wet soil;
avoid planting in low areas

Maltese Mix
Red & White Blooms
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
24-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4-6 wks June-July
Prefer loose, rich soil
Drought Tolerant
Do not like overly wet soil;
avoid planting in low areas

Maltese Mix
Red & Pink Blooms
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
24-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4-6 wks June-July
Prefer loose, rich soil
Drought Tolerant
Do not like overly wet soil;
avoid planting in low areas

Yarrow'Red Velvet'
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
12-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms end June-Sept
Grows well in all soil types
Prefer moist soil
Deer Resistant

Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
12-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms end June-Sept
Grows well in all soil types
Prefer moist soil
Deer Resistant

DayLily'Burgundy Glow'
Sold out
Sold in 1 gallon pot for $6
15-36” tall
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms 4-5 wks August
Grows well in all soil types
including acidic*
Drought Tolerant. Deer Resistant
Attracts Hummingbirds & Butterflies

Hosta Mix
mix pack of 3 for $21,
or individually for $7 each
6-24" tall
Part to Full shade
Blooms 4 wks July-Aug
(will not bloom in full shade)
Grow best in rich moist soil
Will grow in acidic* soil

Ostrich Fern
Sold 1 gallon pots for $7
36-48" tall
Part to Full shade
Grow best in rich moist soil
Will grow in acidic* soil
Deer Resistant

Hosta 'Royal Standard'
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $7
6-24" tall
Part to Full shade
Blooms a lavender flower
for 4 wks July-Aug
(will not bloom in full shade)
Grow best in rich moist soil
Will grow in acidic* soil

Hosta 'Diane Remembered'
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $7
6-24" tall
Part to Full shade
Blooms a lavender flower
for 4 wks July-Aug
(will not bloom in full shade)
Grow best in rich moist soil
Will grow in acidic* soil

Hosta 'Albomarginata'
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $7
6-24" tall
Part to Full shade
Blooms a lavender flower
for 4 wks July-Aug
(will not bloom in full shade)
Grow best in rich moist soil
Will grow in acidic* soil

Hosta 'Variegata'
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $7
6-24" tall
Part to Full shade
Blooms a lavender flower
for 4 wks July-Aug
(will not bloom in full shade)
Grow best in rich moist soil
Will grow in acidic* soil

Lily Grass
Sold in 1 gallon pots for $6
3 gallon pots for $10
3-5 feet tall
Sun to Part Shade
Grows well in all soil types
Including acidic*
Drought Tolerant

Red Rhubarb
Sold in 2 gallon pots for $10
2-4 feet tall
Full Sun
Grow best in rich soil
Can harvest as early as May, grows continually througout summer

Thornless Red
Instant Patch $25
Individual Plants $5 each
5-7 feet tall
Full Sun
Grow best in rich soil
Water well for larger berries
Produce in July
Are your plant choices sold out? Ask to be put on our order cancellation list, or reserve now for 2026
Not sure how to create your space? Check out our Garden Packages
and choose predesigned gardens at no extra cost.
We look forward to an ever growing catalogue for your planting pleasure.
Recycle your garden pots here!
Sun and Shade recap
areas that receive 8 hours (or more) of direct sunlight
(open areas or the south side of buildings)
areas that receive 4-6 hours of sunlight
(dappled sunlight from trees or the east or west side of buildings)
areas that receive less then 4 hours sun
(dappled sunlight from trees or the east side of buildings)
areas that reach no direct sunlight
(deeply shaded trees or the north side of buildings)